数据库代做:database1代写 Information Systems代写 frontend application代写 - 代做数据库
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A job page should include its description and details. At the minimum, this should include title, description, location/remote status, application deadline and job salary range (entered by the employer). An additional feature that would be nice to have would be to show the number of applications submitted for the job, Once the job is published, finders are able to comment on/ask questions about jobs and apply for the job. The requester can see applications by finders and accept one of these applications. As soon as the job is accepted, the job status should be updated and displayed on the page.Both employers and finders should be able to access reports showing all job postings. This report should be sorted by recently posted jobs by default. However, the report should provide functions to search and sort for jobs by multiple criteria.The Purchasing/Payment of ads is organized as follows:Employers can pre-purchase ad tokens using set packages (see above). Every time an ad is posted, the ad token count should be reduced by 1. Once they have utilized all their ad tokens, employers should be restricted from posting additionalEmployers should also be provided with an option to automatically top up their account with additional tokens (based on the package they’ve chosen) if their ad token count reaches a certain number defined by thePayments should be deducted from the employers’ bank account before adding ad tokens to their “FindWork”In addition, FindWork considers that employers may want to store job postings “in draft” and resume editing later. They may also wish to re-activate or re-post past jobs if the job position becomes available within the organization again this should make the job available to the public and “open” for accepting applications. FindWork articulate this as a “nice to have” (not a “must have”) feature.database1代写FindWork suggests that direct messaging between platform members would be useful. That is, FindWork would like users to have access to some form of internal messaging system in addition to email. While email can be used, an internal messaging system would simplify and document communication between employers and finders (related to a particular job) and would be the method for employers/finders to contact FindWork support. This messaging platform would also provide employers with a mechanism to contact Finders that don’t explicitly apply for their jobs. Again, FindWork says this is a “nice to have” feature.The system should allow FindWork administrators to have access to internal system user accounts.They should also be able to manage all Employers, Finders, and FindWork staff accounts. For instance, FindWork should be able to perform tasks such as disabling of accounts that violate terms of service or to reset account passwords. FindWork suggests that a dedicated system administration page or module may be needed.FindWork is concerned with the range of internal and external users of the systems. Sensitive information (such as personal contact and payment information) is available in the database system. FindWork would like to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all data handled by the database. For this, FindWork expects that you implement security and privacy measures.For example, secure login/signup should be provided.Login can be secured via various measures, such as requiring (strong) passwords,i automatically logging out of the system (after a certain amount of time such as one hour), locking accounts after three unsuccessful login attempts or storing passwords in encrypted (not plain text) form in the database. Data available to users after successful login should correspond to the roles and rights they have on the database system. For example, an employer should be able to see/change their own payment information but not that of others. Security measures can be at the application layer (frontend) or the database layer (backend). FindWork expects that you implement an appropriate minimum set of security measures and provide justification for these measures in your report.FindWork would like to have an audit trail (e.g., the changes made to the password and who made it) and a security log (e.g., who logged on at what time). This has the purpose of being able to trace sensitive user actions. This would be a useful but not critical feature for the prototype.Finally, FindWork are interested in big data and analytics.While there is no expectation for any implementation in the system prototype, they ask you to conduct research, evaluate the potential and develop a strategic plan for the use of big data (this can be based on both internal and external data) at FindWork. Essentially, they are interested in understanding the potential of big data for their business and which approach they may take in the future to realize this potential. They have not further specified their requirements and are open for any recommendations by your team.database1代写Requirements: FindWork expects two key deliverables from your team, a report and an actual implementation. First, you are to design and implement the data model in Oracle and design and implement a working prototype of the system using Oracle APEX (or another application that works with the Oracle database). Second, you are to deliver a comprehensive final report discussing your solution.FindWork has indicated that it will consider revised or additional features/functionalities, provided that your team provides a convincing implementation and articulates the technical or business rationale in the report. They ask you to clearly state assumptions and provide justifications.4. Tasks and Deliverables database1代写There is one written report for this assignment. Introduction:Provide a summary of the system. This should include a statement of purpose of the system (objectives of the system, what is the purpose of the database?) and a high-level overview of the system (use a simple but informative graphical depiction of overall system architecture and modulesneeded).Clearly state any assumptions you make (e.g., in case of missing information), as well as the scope (areas covered vs. not covered) and likely limitations of the database system project.Analysis:Gather requirements of the system. In the report, discuss the need for the system and identify its key requirements (based on above text, own research and/or competitor analysis – with references). You should identify and analyze similar systems and competitors (for comparison, benchmarking and identifying bestpractices).Specify the functionalities/transactions the system should have. In the report, consider “use case diagrams” (limit to most important use cases) and tables to concisely describe the functionalities. Categorize the functionalities into modules. Discuss which functionalities/transactions are “in scope” and “out of scope” for yourDesign:Develop ER diagram(s)/relational model for the database. In the report, include ER diagrams and data dictionaries for each user’s view of the system (if there are differences between users). Provide a brief rationale for the diagrams. Provide an overall relational model (normalized) for the database. [refer to textbook chapters on conceptual and logical designas reference; you can either use the textbook notation or notation from INFS1603]Createa relational database in Oracle based on your relational model (“backend”).Design wireframe (rough drafts) designs of the pages of the system. In the report, include the wireframe (limit to most important pages) and briefly explain how they link to thefunctionalities and the relational model of thePopulate the tables of the database with at least ten sample records in each table. Use data from the above scenario or add data from your own knowledge and understanding.database1代写Ensurethat you have adequate data to run and test queries and showcase theCreate a web application in Oracle APEX (or an equivalent web application platform that connectsto Oracle) based on your wireframe (“frontend”).Further, provide at least five major SQL queries for the database. Discuss how the project addresses security. Provide a discussion of any noteworthy features (any feature beyond the requested features – either the bonus features or features that you considered useful), possible improvements (useful future extensions, max. 500 words, around 1 page) and a discussion of issues and ethical considerations (potential impacts on stakeholders, potential risks andmisuses).In the report, provide a detailed description of and guide to the overall system. The description needs to concisely outline what your system can (and cannot) do and how. The description is so that your evaluators can understand and use the system without further guidance.Project management:Provide an overall project management plan. In the report, specify how the overall project will proceed over time. Use a Gantt chart to illustrate breakdown of work overClearly specify individual workload allocation, roles and responsibilities and between team members. Provide a detailed overview of the group work performed (who did what, usea table overview) and a critical reflection on the group workAssignment Report / Format and Deliverables:UNSW Coversheet. Submit your assignment with a signed coversheet (actual signatures, not typed, of all group members). Failure to include the UNSW coversheet will leadto a 10% penalty, and no marks will be released until the coversheet isLength. The total length of the report must not exceed 10,000 words (around 20 pages) (excluding coversheet, including table of contents, summaries/outlines, footnotes, database1代写 references,endnote, appendices ). You may be able to stay well below this limit.Tableof Contents. Should not exceed one page, restricted to two levels ofTheheadline and report structure should follow the aboveFormat. The style/format of the report can be as you find it appropriate and useful. You should use headings, sub-headings, bullet points, diagrams and tables as appropriate. Thefile format of the report isReferences.