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Web作业代做:代写Web Application Python CS留学生题目:COMP249 Assignment: Job Boa - Web作业代写
发布时间:2021-07-24 17:51:43浏览次数:
There are also two other tables votes and follows that are not used in the core requirements but that you can use if you wish to implement further features.Each user is identified by a nickname that is stored in the nick field in the users table. This field is used as a foreign key in other tables to refer to the user. To select data from both tables you will need to do a query with a join.The positions table deserves further comment. The id field is an auto-incremented integer id for each post, you don t need to give this a value, it will automatically get a new unique value when you insert a row. The timestamp field will also default to the current time and date in the format 2015-02-20 01:45:06 if you don t provide a value when you add a row. So, to add a row to the positions table you just need:sql= INSERTINTOpositions(owner,title,location,company,description)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) cursor.execute(sql,[usernick,title,location,company,description])db.commit()The code as provided includes a sample Bottleapplication which you can run. It doesn t do much other than generate a static page thatlinks to a copy of these notes. This is your starting point for development andyou should write your code so that is the main application (whenI run your code, this is what I ll look for).You can run the functional andunit tests ( to check thatyou have met the requirements at each level. To do this,open the file in PyCharm and click Run , choose to run as Python unit-test . Alternately, run them from the command line eg. python that if you follow the written requirements set out in the pages linked above, youshould pass the functional tests. A reasonable way to work would be to read and implementeach functional requirement in turn and then run the functional tests when you are done asa check.SubmissionYou will submit this work in two parts: after you have completed Level 2, and after you have completed Level 3. The Level 2 submission is intended to check on your progresswith the assignment so that we can provide you with feedback and identify anyonewho needs support. See iLearn for the dates of these submissions.For each submission you should submit a zip filewith the same structure as the starter pack. We will expect to run main.pyto see your application. Include any support files that you need for your applicationto work. A good idea would be to unpack your zip file at a new location and try torun it yourself.Grading the AssignmentThis assignment is worth 20% of the final marks for COMP249. A total of 12 marks will be entirely based on achieving the stated functional and unit-test requirements and passing the automated tests. The remaining 8 marks will be based on the quality of the code and documentation that you provide, and on the appearance of your web application.Each automated test is worth 0.5 marks; there is a total of 24 tests giving 12 marks in total. The breakdown of tests for each level is as follows:
