数学作业代写:Statistics for Risk Model- ing代写 final exam代写 - math作业代写
发布时间:2021-07-25 17:04:06浏览次数:
Answers to Questions 1,2,3,4 should be written using a Latex editor.Question 5 can be answered using your preferred program. All answers should be merged in a single PDF and submitted in Compass.You are asked to write a report in Question 1.Note that your solution to this question should not be limited to just answering the questions I listed. Instead, your submitted result for this question should meet the requirements of a good scientific report, meaning it should be self-contained, have a well-structured organization of the sections, is well-written and uses references in an appropriate If your solution to question 1 does not meet the standards of a good scientific report, it will not be marked.Coding should be done using the statistical software R.Clearly indicate the different questions. Start each question on a new page.Clearly explain your solutions. Any R code you use should be added to the report as an appendix.Statistics for Risk Model- ing代写Upload a separate R script, with the R code used in your report. Make sure we can run the R code line by line to create the numbers, tables and figures in your report.It is allowed to discuss the questions with your colleagues, but the report and the R code should be an individual work.The report should contain sufficient elements which make the report unique. Note that plain copying R code, text or ideas without adding your own interpretation is considered as cheating and will be reported to the department and will lead to a grade of zero.GOODLUCK!