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代写数据结构:Matlab代写视觉图像处理代做CS题目:CS631T – Spring 2018 Assignment 2 – 数据结构代写

发布日期:2021-07-25 10:46:42 浏览次数:

CS631T – Spring 2018 Assignment 2 – Enhancement and Binary Analysis ExercisesPart1: Matlab CodingSave all solutions in a singlem-file. Be sure to place semicolons wherever appropriate, to suppress unnecessary console output, such as when loading images into memory, or operating on them. You should submit only your m-file via the BB system. Please do not send any image!Please include comments at the top of each m-file. The comments should contain at least the following: your name, your email, and assignment number. In your main function, place amessage “ Finish Solving Problem X ” followed by a pause command (i.e., wait for a key to be pressed before continuing) at the end of each solution, where X is the question number (i.e., 1, 2, or 3).Problem1: Exercises on Image Scaling and Histogram Equalization [10 points]a)Use the Matlab function imadjustto scale the image Food.jpg into an appropriate range [NewMin, NewMax] so the original image is enhanced to a good quality. Save the scaled image into ScaledFood. Display the original image, and the scaled image side-by-side on figure 1 with appropriate titles.b)Use the Matlab function imhistto calculate the histogram of image Food. Tune the parameters of num_bins to see the different results. Display the above calculated histogram and its normalized histogram side-by-side on figure 2 with appropriate titles on both axes.c)Use the Matlab histogram equalization function histeqon Foodimage. Save the enhanced image as EqualizedFood. Display the original image, your scaled image ScaledFood, and your histogram enhanced image EqualizedFoodwith appropriate titles on figure 3.d)Close all figures and all variables in the workspace.Problem2: [8 points]Load in Shapes.tif image. Apply appropriate morphological operation(s) on the original image to obtain the following three desired images, respectively. Display the three resultant images on figure 2 with appropriate titles.Hint: Matlab functions imdilate, imerode, imopen, imclose, strelmight be needed. Choose a proper size of structuring element so the unwanted parts could be closed or opened.Problem3: [8 points]Load in Wirebond.tif image. Apply appropriate morphological operation(s) on the original image to obtain the following three desired images, respectively. Display the three resultant images on figure 3 with appropriate titles.Hint: Try erode the image with circle shape SE of different sizes.Problem4: Morphological operations on gray image [4 points]Morphological operations (same matlab functions) can be applied on gray image as well. Load in City.jpg image. Apply the dilation, save the resultant image as A; then apply the erosion operation on the original image, save the resultant image as B. Let C = A – B. Use a 3-by-3 square structuring element. Display the resultant image C on figure 4. Use Matlab display command to discuss the reason for such an appearance.Part2: Exercise. Submit the answers of this part as a word file or a pdf file separately from the Matlab m-file above.In lecture 2, we covered textbook 2.5, 9.1-9.5 and 10.3.Problem1: Combination of foreground set B1 and background B2 in Hit-or-Miss Transformation. [10 points]Read through the following link http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hitmiss.htmwhich explains a simple way that B1 and B2 in the Hit-or-Miss Transformation can be combined into one structuring element (SE). In such a situation, the value 0, 1, and blank in SE have different meanings. Draw the result of first image in Figure 3 after applying the following SE:Submit both m-file and text file (word or pdf) to BB on the due date.(以上发布均为题目,为保证客户隐私,源代码绝不外泄!!)代写计算机编程类/金融/高数/论文/英文本网站支持淘宝 支付宝 微信支付 paypal等等交易。如果不放心可以用淘宝或者Upwork交易!E-mail:[email protected]微信:BadGeniuscs 工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点如果您用的手机请先保存二维码到手机里面,识别图中二维码。如果用电脑,直接掏出手机果断扫描。




