Web作业代做:代写留学生作业编程代做英文题目:java web题-Java Persistence Api - Web作业代写
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Java Persistence ApiTwo lab work sessions are necessary to achieve this subject.1. IntroductionJava Standard Edition includes an API for the persistence: Java Persistence Api (JPA). JPA allowsObject Relational Mapping (ORM): the aim is to synchronize java objects with a database.Technologies: Gradle Eclipse JEE developper Spring framework Eclipse Link as a JPA provider HSQLDB database server. Source code for a basic example isat:https://github.com/charroux/JPABasis-masterThis project defines a JPA class for a Person, and a basic main program that store a person inside a data base.Download this project and study how JPA is used.2. A car rental serviceThe system to be designed is composed of 4 classes.3. Java and Eclipse project creationThe given project is a Gradle project. The file build.gradle contains all the required libraries, mainly:compile group: org.eclipse.persistence , name: javax.persistence , version: Page 1 2.0.0 compile group: hsqldb , name: hsqldb , version: compile group: org.eclipse.persistence , name: eclipselink , version: 2.5.1 Use Gradle commands (from the project directory) to install libraries and convert the project into an Eclipse project : gradle build gradle eclipseImport the project into Eclipse: import - general - existing project into workspace …As a database server, HSQLDB is used:http://hsqldb.org/Download version hsqldb_1_8_1_X (don’t use the version 2.x), uncompress the file. The server can be started as follow (be sure to type this command into the HSQLDB’s folder:A basic database manager can be launched using:Page 2It allows querying the database.Eclipse Link is used as a JPA provider (http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/). JPA needs a folder namedMETA-INF containing the file persistence.xml:This file must contain the list of persistent classes:4. JPA classesUsing JPA, write the classes depicted in the above class diagram.You should be able to store java objects into the database, but also to query the database.5. Integration into a REST Web ServiceDuring lab works about Web Services you have implemented a Rest Web Service for car rental. The work to be done is now to integrate the JPA classes into the Web Service project.Complete the file build.gradle from the Web Service project with information from the build.gradle file for this project.The class CarManager from the Web Service project is useless since JPA defines an Entity Manager.All the JPA classes will take place into the model package.You should add new DTO classes matching the model classes.As a client, you can adapt the Java client or the HTML + Java script client. Page 3 Asynchronous communications between programs with ActiveMQIntroductionMessage broker is an intermediary program module which translates a message from the formalmessaging protocol of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver. Message brokers are elements in telecommunication networks where programs (software applications) communicate by exchanging formally-defined messages. Message brokers are a building block of Message Oriented Middleware (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_broker).Apache ActiveMQ is an open source message broker written in Java together with a full Java MessageService (JMS) client. It provides Enterprise Features which in this case means fostering the communication from more than one client or server. Supported clients include Java via JMS 1.1 as well as several other cross language clients. The communication is managed with features such as computer clustering and ability to use any database as a JMS persistence provider besides virtual memory, cache and journal persistency (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_ActiveMQ).Installation procedureBefore downloading ActiveMQ, check the Java version installed on your machine (JDK 1.6 is recommended but higher version should work).Set if necessary the environment variable JAVA_HOME (it must point to a valid JDK root directory).Download Apache ActiveMQ binary version (version 5.x.x is recommended): follow the link http://activemq.apache.org/.Uncompress the archive file.Start ActiveMQ with the following command:binctivemq start(you must be in the parent directory of bin).Configuring Queue and TopicStart the web console: http://localhost:8161/adminDefault user name: adminDefault password: adminCreate a Queue, and a Topic. Before starting coding answer the questions: what is a queue? What is a Topic?Project creationDownload a template for your project at https://github.com/charroux/ActiveMQTemplate.This is a Gradle project.Use the commands gradle build and gradle eclipse to download the required libraries and to convert the Gradle project into an Eclipse project . Import the project into Eclipse.CodingThe given code contains only: Creation of a queue and a topic (see src/main/resources/applicationContextJMS.xml) Skeletons for accessing a queue in Java (see src/main/java)Work to be done: study the slides of the course JMS API and complete the code to send messages from one sender to one receiver (using a queue and a topic).Is a queue able to receive message from many senders?Is a queue able to send message to many receivers?Write code to test what is possible.Is a topic able to receive message from many publishers?Is a queue able to send message to many subscribers?Write code to test what is possible.Advanced message sendingCode each possibility of message sending: Persistent mode Time to live PriorityTry to transmit messages into a transaction. Angular Angular?Angular allows to build applications and reuse the code and abilities to build apps for any deployment target: for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop.InstallationAngular requires: Node.js (an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side) Npm (a package manager for the JavaScript programming language)See https://angular.io/guide/quickstartStarting with an existing applicationA template for a project is given at: https://github.com/charroux/CarRentalDownload and unzip this project.In the project folder install the required module using the command line: npm installThen start the server with: ng serveDisplay the user interface into a web browser at: http://localhost:4200/ToolsMany tools are available. Among them Eclipse provides a plugin for angular:https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/angular-eclipseInstall the plugin then import your project into Eclipse: As an Angular Project Chose the version of Node.js and npm according to your local installation (retrieve which version is installed using node version and npm –version) Work to be doneAdd the link Get back a car into the main page:A click on this link should display a menu: When a car is selected the page should look like this: Integration with the Rest Web ServiceThe given project is provided with a class simulating the web service:https://github.com/charroux/CarRental/blob/master/src/app/mock-cars.tsDelete this class and use the http client library into the Service class to access the Rest Web Service:https://github.com/charroux/CarRental/blob/master/src/app/car.service.ts