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代写Python:Python Game游戏机器人对战代做实现:Homework Asteroids Shooter - Python代写
发布时间:2021-07-25 15:05:54浏览次数:
Homework Asteroids ShooterDescription.You will implement an AI player to play a simplified version of Asteroids. In this version, the ship is anchored to the origin and can only rotate clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). The asteroids are modeled as circles, as is the ship (the triangular ship is displayed for aesthetic purposes only). Your ship can turn xor fire each frame, where the goal is to accumulate as many points as possible, while also avoiding collisions with asteroids. For each game, your ship will be allocated one “shield”, which gives your ship immunity for a period of 200 frames. While the shield is active, you are unable to fire. You should not get killed with an unused shield.Ship capabilities.Your ship class must provide the following three methods:# Called to create a new playerdef __init__(self, fieldSz, dt, turnRate, bulletSpeed, bulletRepeat, bulletRad, astSpeeds, astDiams,totalFrames, points):# Called when a new game of asteroids is started.def newGame(self):#Calledtogettheplayer snextcommand.#Thereturnvaluemustbea2-tuple#oftheform(fire,dir).Wheredir={negative,0,positive}toindicateturnCCW,don t#turn,orturnCW.fireisabooleanvaluetoindicatewhethertofirea#bullet.IfthisisTrue,abulletwillbefire,butonlyifthebulletrepeat#rateisnotexceeded.Toexecutethe shield ,returnNone#Theinputsare:#asteroids--arrayofMovingObjects,oneforeachasteroidonscreen#heading--theship sheading(0degreesisdown+x),degrees.#framesToFire--numnon-firingframesneededbeforenextbullet.def getCommand(self, asteroids, heading, framesToFire):Updating rules.The getCommand method is called at the start of each frame. When it returns, the following sequence of events is performed:·Gather information about current position/velocity of asteroids·cmd = player.getCommand (asteroids, shipHeading, framesToFire)·Perform the ship’s AI-determined action·Update the position of asteroids and bullets·Check if bullets intersect asteroids, remove asteroids that are hit. Bullets can hit only one asteroid.·Update scoreboard·Check if game over (asteroids intersect with ship or maximum number of frames reached)Game parameters.The following parameters are defined by the system. Default values are shown in bold. You may tune your system to these particular values; however, the effectiveness of your software is increased if it can adapt to changes to one or more of these parameters:·FIELD_SZ(700) – The dimensions of the playing area (will be square 350 350). The origin is in the center of the playing area.·NUM_FRAMES (2000) –Number of frames in entire game.·DT (0.05) –Time for each frame·AI_TIME (0.05) –Maximum amount of time your AI can take to issue command.·INIT_NUM_ASTEROIDS (10)– Number of asteroids spawned to start the game·TURN_RATE (4)– Number of degrees the ship turns in one frame.·BULLET_REPEAT(8)– How many empty frames required between bullets·BULLET_SPEED(200)– Speed of bullets.·BULLET_RAD (2) Radius of bullets·INIT_AST_SPEED (100)– Speed of the large asteroid.·AST_SPEED_FACTOR (1.5) Multiplier for speed of next smaller asteroid: 100, 150, then 225·INIT_AST_RAD (80)– Radius of the large asteroids.·AST_SZ_FACTOR (0.5) Multiplier for radius of next smaller: 80, 40, then 20·SHIP_RAD (8)– integer radius of ship·PTS([2, 4, 10, -1])– 4 integers indicating the score for the large, medium, and small asteroids. Last integer indicates cost of each shot.Timing constraints.For the purposes of game play (updating ship, asteroids, bullets etc), will be assumed to take no time to execute.getCommandshould not take longer than 0.05s (i.e., AI_TIME) on a PC typical of those in 006 Benton.Baseline experiments.The starter code will execute your player over 20 specific games. This is accomplished using a list of 20 seeds for the random number generator. Thus, every team will be subjected to the same 20 configurations of asteroids. In your report, list your scores for these twenty games.Simplifications.Youare allowed to make simplifications to the game if you find the need. For example, you may assume: the ship is point-size, shooting cost zero, etc. Of course, such simplifications will not receive full credit, but may allow you to make progress if you find too many obstacles attempting the full requirements. In your report, identify all simplifications that you have made.Notes.·Do not modify any code·Do not use any random number in your code.·Bullets are removed once they move off the screen.·The functiondumpAsteroids( can be used to dump all attributes of the asteroids to the screen.·Examples of AI shooters were demonstrated the first day of class (one is clearly more effective than the other):Scoring and additional requirements.(85) Quality of design and implementation.·(65) Basic operationoCan accurately shoot asteroids.oCan turn to face threats and then shootoUse shield to avoid a collision with an asteroid. Your AI should use the shield only when needed. Further, you should not have a collision with an unused shield.oThe AI operates within time constraints, with at most a few exceptions.·(20) Advanced operationoIntelligently prioritize threats to maximize scoreoEffectively shoot at non-threats to maximize scoreoYour algorithm should be robust under different game parameters. That is, your AI should behave reasonably under bullet speed, bullet life, etc.(15) Writeup. You should include a 1 page write-up of what you have done. This should include a description of the techniques used in your intelligent player. In addition, describe techniques tested but not included in the final implementation. You may assume the reader has a level of knowledge equal to that of classmate’s. Your write-up should include a self-assessment of your player’s strengths and weaknesses. On a second page, include a table showing your scores for the 20 baseline games defined代写CS Finance|建模|代码|系统|报告|考试编程类:C++,JAVA ,数据库,WEB,Linux,Nodejs,JSP,Html,Prolog,Python,Haskell,hadoop算法,系统 机器学习金融类:统计,计量,风险投资,金融工程,R语言,Python语言,Matlab,建立模型,数据分析,数据处理服务类:Lab/Assignment/Project/Course/Qzui/Midterm/Final/Exam/Test帮助代写代考辅导E-mail:[email protected]微信:BadGeniuscs 工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点如果您用的手机请先保存二维码到手机里面,识别图中二维码。如果用电脑,直接掏出手机果断扫描。
