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代写Python:python game代做实现battling game:Project 4 – Monster Masher - Python代写
发布时间:2021-07-25 15:06:54浏览次数:
d.Resolve the attack phase by subtracting the player’s turn attack value from monster’s health. Find the difference between the monster’s attack value and the player’s turn defense value. If the difference is positive (the monster’s attack was greater than the player’s defense) subtract that from the player’s health, otherwise do nothing.e.Display the results of the round including player’s attack and defense value, monster’s attack value, and remaining health of both.3.If the player killed the monster add 10 points to the player’s health.GradingA sample framework has been provided along with some pseudocode. You do not have to use this, but it is provided as a guide.A function is used for program initialization. The program is initialized properly – 5ptsGameplay loop is broken into logical portions using functions – 5ptsFeedback is provided as described – 5ptsDamage is computer properly – 5ptsTotal – 20pts代写CS Finance|建模|代码|系统|报告|考试编程类:C++,JAVA ,数据库,WEB,Linux,Nodejs,JSP,Html,Prolog,Python,Haskell,hadoop算法,系统 机器学习金融类:统计,计量,风险投资,金融工程,R语言,Python语言,Matlab,建立模型,数据分析,数据处理服务类:Lab/Assignment/Project/Course/Qzui/Midterm/Final/Exam/Test帮助代写代考辅导E-mail:[email protected]微信:BadGeniuscs 工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点如果您用的手机请先保存二维码到手机里面,识别图中二维码。如果用电脑,直接掏出手机果断扫描。
