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代做C++/C:代写C#48024 Applications Programming CS代码代写 - C++代做
发布时间:2021-07-25 22:40:14浏览次数:
Your solution must satisfy the following code requirements:· Your solution must employ the MVC architecture.· Your solution must keep the package and class names provided in the skeleton code.· The models must notify the views of changes by correctly applying the JavaFX property patterns and observable lists. Model data that can change must be observable. Model data that never changes need not be observable.· The views must be laid out using FXML. 4. Expected workloadThe time to do the assignment to a distinction level (i.e. a mark between 75% to 84%) has been estimated at 25 hours for a student of average ability who has completed all the tutorial and lab exercises. 5. Online supportThe Assignment 2 discussion board has been set up on UTSOnline so that students can ask questions, and other students can reply. The course coordinator will only post a reply only if the student response was wrong, or in the case of correcting a mistake in the assignment specification. You must not post or share Java code to the discussion board. The board is there to help you, not to provide the solution. Posting your code is academic misconduct and will reported. Each time this rule is violated, the code will be removed and replaced with a comment of the form: “Strike 1:Posting code”. After 3 strikes, the discussion board will be deleted because it did not work.FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and their answers, if enough are asked, will be posted in the Assignment 2 forum. If you have a question, check the FAQ first; it may already be answered there. You should read the FAQ at least once before you hand in your solution, but to be safe check it every couple of days. Anything posted on the FAQ is considered to be part of the assignment specification. The FAQ will be frozen (no new entries) two days before the due date; no questions will be answered after it is frozen.If anything about the specification is unclear or inconsistent, contact the subject coordinator who will try to make it clearer by replying to you directly and posting the common questions and answers to the FAQ. This is similar to working on the job, where you ask your client if you are unsure what has to be done, but then you write all the code to do the task. Email [email protected] to ask for any clarifications or corrections to the assignment. 6. Submission to PLATEREAD THIS ENTIRE SECTION CAREFULLYIncluded in the skeleton code is a file called progress.txt which you must fill out as you progress through the assignment. This file will contain lines such as these:[?] The Main menu window is at least partially done. [?] The Main menu window is done.[?] The Catalogue menu window is at least partially done. etc As you make progress on your assignment, you must edit this file by changing each [?] into a [y] and then submit your progress to PLATE. Don’t forget to save this file before submitting. For example, after you get the main menu window partially done (even if you have only done a small amount), you edit this file as follows:[y] The Main menu window is at least partially done. [?] The Main menu window is done.[?] The Catalogue menu window is at least partially done. etc Then you submit your project to PLATE so that there is a record of what your code looked like when you first started to make progress on your Main menu window. After you complete the Main window feature, you should again update this file as follows:[y] The Main menu window is at least partially done.[y] The Main menu window is done.[?] The Catalogue menu window is at least partially done. etc Then you submit your project to PLATE again so that there is a record of what your code looked like when you completed this feature. It is not always required that you complete a feature before moving onto the next feature. For example, your progress.txt file may read:[y] The Main menu window is at least partially done. [?] The Main menu window is done.[y] The Catalogue menu window is at least partially done. etc This would indicate that you partially completed the Main menu window, then moved on to the Catalogue menu window. This is allowed, as long as you have completed at least enough of the Main menu window that will allow you to correctly open the Catalogue menu window.
