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数据库代写:Spatial Data Assignment SQL实现 - 代写数据库
发布时间:2021-07-24 14:52:32浏览次数:
Submission Method:§Paper copy to be submitted to the DepartmentalOffice.§Digital copy to be submitted via Turnitin (as a zip file, including the document and SQLscripts)This assignment has two parts: you are required to implement the system you designed in the first part of the assignment, as well as to carry out a small piece of research into NoSQL databases OR to carry out research into 3D functionality in GIS.This assignment is worth 60% of the marks for the module. 30% of the marksfor this assignment are allocated to the research project (3D or NoSQL), and70% to the physical database creation and query process.Notes: An assignment is an independent piece ofwork If you have questions about this assignment please post them onMoodle: That way everyone is given the sameinformation That way I remember what I’ve said to you and don’t mark you down for doing something that I wasn’texpected Any questions should be generic – as this is an assessment which will gauge how much you’ve learned during the module I won’t be able to solve very specific assignment-related problems foryou. Database Design and CreationBE SURE TO CLEARLY STATE YOUR USER NUMBER IN YOUR ASSIGNMENTSOTHAT I CAN TEST YOURQUERIESYour answer should be structured according to the guidance below – failure to do this will result in lost marks – you should include a clear table of contents showing the page number for each of the requiredsectionsPart A –Database CreationFor this part of the assignment:a.Take the conceptual database diagram you created for the previous assignment and transform it into a logical model, presenting this model as a second UMLdiagram1.b.Once you have the logical model, you should then write SQL scripts to create your tables and add the required constraints. The SQL scripts should be created MANUALLY and submitted as part of the assignment, and you must use the PostGIS database provided for thiswork.c.Once you have created the tables, populate each table with a minimum of THREE rows of data (you MUST use SQL to do this manually – you are not permitted to import the data from other sources). The data should be sufficient to allow you to test out the SQL for your listed functionalrequirements.d.Create and test the SQL statements for each of your functional requirements.You are required to hand in a report showing2:1.Your conceptual UML diagram from Assignment 1 (make sure to copy the diagram exactly as you submittedit).2.The logical UML diagram derived from the conceptual diagram. Make sure this diagram is derived directly from the conceptual diagram you presented.3.The SQL scripts you used to create and populate the tables (the tables and data should also be created inside your PostgreSQL workarea)1 NB: Do not introduce any new entities or fields into the logical diagram, apart from those specifically required by the translation process.2 Note – there is no need to write any text to explain the different elements this report – justbe sure that you stick EXACTLY to what is asked for. ·For each table, you should include the entity on which it is based alongside the SQL script that you used to create the table and any constraints. This should be done in a table asfollows:
