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代写Java:java代写 编译原理Principle of Compiler 网课代写hand-crafted - Java代写
发布时间:2021-07-25 20:42:22浏览次数:
Make sure you create the gzip file j .tar.gzsuch that it only includes the source files and not the binaries, which$  cd $j /j --$  ant clean$ cd ..$ tar - cvf j - -. tar j - -/*$ gzip j - -. tarMakesure your report isn’t too verbose, doesn’t contain lines that exceed 80 characters, and doesn’t contain1. Hours to complete the project: 24 hours2. Provide a short description of how you approached each problem, issues youencountered, and how you resolved those issues.Report text:1. Hours to complete the project: 24 hours2. Provide a short description of how you approached each problem, issues you encountered, and how you resolved those issues.Part I (Additions to JavaCC Scanner)Problem 1 (Multiline Comment): Problem 1 just add a skip comment as single-line skip comment to skip the multiline comment in j--.jj.(SKIP: { MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: "/*" (~["*"])* "*" ("*" | (~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*"))* "/" })Problem 2 (Reserved Words): Problem 2 just add some reserved words in the Token at j--.jj. Please pay attention to the "default", you can just use DEFAULT to identify it, because lexical token name "DEFAULT" is the same as that of a lexical state. So I just change "DEFAULT" to "DEFAULt" (lower-case T).Problem 3 (Operators):In Problem 3, I define the operators in Token first, then define them indifferent expression method, for instance, "/=" should be define in assignment expression, and "||" should be define in Conditional-Or-Expression. Just like what we did in Parser.Problem 4 (Separators): In Problem 4, I define the colon separator in Token at j--.jj first, and then define it in conditionalExpression method.Problem 5 (Literals):In Problem 5, I define the double and long literals in Token at j--.jj according to the format that problem 5 provided.Part II (Additions to JavaCC Parser)Problem 6 (Long and Double Basic Types):For problem 6, I wrote the java code for double and long literals. Then,I defined their types in basictype().Problem 7 (Operators):In j--.jj, I defined the operators in different expression method. For instance, "/=" should be define in assignment expression, and "||" should be define in ConditionalOrExpression. Just like what we did in Parser.Problem 8 (Conditional Expression): In j--.jj, I created a new method called conditionalExpression and defined them in this method. In conditionalExpression method, assignment-Expression() will be called and check the colon token is there, then callconditionalExpression to get the conditional expression and return JCon-ditionalExpression object.Problem 9 (Switch Statement):In j--.jj, I created a JSwitchBlockStatement J-class to represent the switch block, and also created the J-class JSwitchStatement for the switchstatement. I defined the "switch" in the statement(). Then I created the switchBlockStatementGroup() for JSwitchBlockStatement and switchLabel() tocheck the expression.Problem 10 (Do-While Statement):In problem 10, I added a do statement with while statement in statement() at j--.jj.Problem 11 (For Statement): In problem 11, I followed what I did in parser to added the for statementin statement(). Please be careful that you should update the statement expression so that an expression can be an instanceOf a pre-decrement or post-increment object.Problem 12 (Exception Handlers): I wrote some J-class. JThrowStatement is for the throw statement. JCatch isfor the try statement and JCatch is for the catch statement. And in the statement(), they all represent exception handlers so I do not separatedthem. Moreover, I also defined throw in member declaration and interface-member-declaration.Problem 13 (Interface Type Declaration): In j--.jj, I defined the interface in typeDeclaration method. Then I created the interfaceDeclaration() and interfaceBody() method as whatI did in parser. And I also defined the implement in class declarationand interface declaration.3. Did you receive help from anyone? List their names, status (classmate, CS451/651 grad, TA, other), and the nature of help received.Name Status Help Received---- ------ -------------... ... ...4. List any other comments here. Feel free to provide any feedback on howmuch you learned from doing the assignment, and whether you enjoyeddoing it.The homework 4 is tough for me. It is based on the completed homework 3,and do the same things in j--.jj as what you did in parser. However,I did not finish the homework 3 very well so I spent a lot of time to dothis assignment and fixed the works.
