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代做C语言:C语言buffer file system and file structure pointer. - C语言代做
发布时间:2021-07-25 14:40:05浏览次数:
Write a program, enter the above data to the structurelist (linked list), and storedata into a text file. Then read out the contents of the above file into a linked list(define the corresponding structure type), displaythe liston the screen.Use fwrite() and fread() functions.3. Optional Tasks1) Read the following procedures and C program, and fill in the blanks. This program finds all the integers in the text file st.dat . In the text file, the integers are separated by space characters, Tab characters (tab characters) and carriage returns. The program uses array b[] to store different integers, the variable K is the number of different integers stored in the array B, and assumes that the number of different integers in the file is not more than 1000. Procedures are as follows:#include stdio.h #define N 1000void main(){FILE ⑴;int b[N],d,i,k;if ((fpt= ⑵==NULL){printf( Can not open file st.dat. );return;}k=0;while(fscanf( ⑶)==1){b[k]=d;for(i=0;b[i]!=d;i++);if( ⑷) k++;}(5) ;for(i=0;i k;i++)printf( %d ,b[i]);printf( );}2) Read the following program instructions and C program and fill in the blanks.From this program reads the data with the product name and quantity of file, according to the product category identifier (name of the first English letters) belongs to block scope, output the number of various categories of products list.The categories of categories of product categories are as follows:A-E,F-I,J-M,N-Q,R-U,V-ZThe program is as follows: Please complete the program:#include stdio.h #include process.h #include string.h char class_list[]= EIMQUZ ;int q_list[26],q;FILE *fopen(),*fp;void main(){char file_name[120],pname[20];int i,sp;char sch;printf( Input data file name. );scanf( %s ,file_name);if((fp=fopen(file_name, r ))==NULL){printf( Can not open file %s ,file_name);exit⑴;}for(i=0;i 26;i++)q_list[i]=0;fscanf(fp, %20s%s ,pname, q);while(!feof(fp)){sp=⑴;while(class_list[sp]!= )if((pname[0] = a pname[0] = z ⑵)||⑶)break;else ⑷;q_list[(5)]+=q;fscanf(fp, %20s%d ,pname, q);}fclose(fp);sch= A ;for(i=0;i strlen(class_list);i++){if(q_list[i] 0) printf( %c--%c:%d ,sch,class_list[i],q_list[i]);sch=class_list[i]+1;}}3) There are five students, each of themhas three courses and input data (including the number of students, name, three coursesgrades) from the keyboardand make a linked list to store them. Calculate the average score, and savethe5 students’data (5 structure variables) and theircalculated average scoresin the disk file stud. Dat .Write another program to open the file, read the data in file and store them in a linked list (it’s to restore the linked list) , display the 5 students’data and their average score. 4) Write a program to save the following data to a text file.5 96 87 78 93 21 4 92 82 85 87 6 72 69 85 75 81 73At the same time, the average number of each group in the above data is calculated and displayed in the program. The data is arranged in a file: the number that represents each group is placed in front of the group. For example, the first number 5 in the document indicates that the next 5 numbers will be grouped together. The number 4 indicates the following 4 numbers are a group, and the 6 represents the last 6 numbers as a group. 5)Write a program, create a binary file of grades.bin, and write the following 5 rows of data to the file.90.3 92.7 90.3 99.885.3 90.5 87.3 90.893.2 88.4 93.8 75.682.4 95.6 78.2 90.093.5 80.2 92.9 94.4At the same time, read the four data (scores) of each line in the program, calculate and display the average of each group (average score).4.Experimental ResultWrite an experiment report, it includes:1) The running results and source programs of required subjects.2) The running results and source programs of chosen subjects.3) The error information when debugging(both in English and Chinese).4) If there are some programs can not compile/link/run, please analysis the reasons.代写CS Finance|建模|代码|系统|报告|考试编程类:C++,JAVA ,数据库,WEB,Linux,Nodejs,JSP,Html,Prolog,Python,Haskell,hadoop算法,系统 机器学习金融类:统计,计量,风险投资,金融工程,R语言,Python语言,Matlab,建立模型,数据分析,数据处理服务类:Lab/Assignment/Project/Course/Qzui/Midterm/Final/Exam/Test帮助代写代考辅导天才写手,代写CS,代写finance,代写statistics,考试助攻E-mail:[email protected]微信:BadGeniuscs 工作时间:无休息工作日-早上8点到凌晨3点如果您用的手机请先保存二维码到手机里面,识别图中二维码。如果用电脑,直接掏出手机果断扫描。
